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Northern Ireland Psychodermatology Service

Patients are referred by dermatologists, psychiatrists and also from primary care to the service.

Common conditions include dermatitis artefacta, body dysmorphic disorder, patients querying infestation, chronic skin picking and disorders of the skin that cause patients significant distress.

Patients are assessed jointly in the clinic by the dermatologist, psychiatrist and psychologist with the aim of managing the individual holistically. We agree a treatment plan with the patient and then follow up as required.

Sometimes there will also be trainees in attendance.

While we aim to conduct the majority of clinics in person there will now be a proportion offered virtually.  

Dr Graham will offer more frequent one-to-one sessions with selected patients.

Staff Nurse Corbett runs a habit reversal(HR) clinic

Given demand there is a waiting list for new and review patients .



The Northern Ireland Psychodermatology Service

Ward 25

Department of Dermatology

The Ulster Hospital 


BT16 1RH

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