About us
Our purpose is to raise awareness of the psychosocial impact of skin disease and to promote multi-disciplinary management between dermatologists, psychiatrists and psychologists.
Improve national awareness of Psychodermatology within the general public, politicians, patient groups, GPs, Dermatologists,Psychiatrists, Psychologists and allied health professionals
Improve education and training in Psychodermatology
Promote research and evidence-based practice
Collect and disseminate relevant Psychodermatology information
Provide post-graduate education in Psychodermatology management
The Executive Committee meets twice per year. Psychodermatology UK runs an annual meeting in January and a Specialist Interest Group session at that BAD. There is an annual training weekend for Specialty Registrars and a training weekend is planned for Consultants.
Membership of the society is open to Dermatologists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Nurses with an interest in Psychodermatology.
Contact us
For more information, please email: psychodermatology@hotmail.com
Members of the Committee
Dr Alia Ahmed
Dr Bernard Ho
Dr Richard Barlow
Dr Padma Mohandas
Psychology Representative
Dr Rukshana Ali​
Psychiatry Representative
Dr Iyas Assalman
Nursing Representative
Rebecca Davis
Regional Representatives
Dr Victoria Campbell
Dr Aruni Ranasinghe
Past Committee Members
Dr Susannah Baron
Dr Janet Angus
Dr Ruth Taylor
Dr Anthony Bewley